PT ISS absent from Tangsel Police summons


Tangsel, Bewaramedia – The layoff case that befell Himawan, an employee of PT ISS Indonesia who was only given severance pay of Rp. 300 thousand with 12 years of service, has entered a new phase. With the reporting of the Head of Employee Relations of the Company to the police. The reported party is suspected of committing unlawful acts by accusing Himawan of stealing without due process in accordance with the criminal procedure law and allegedly spreading the termination document to other parties within ISS Indonesia with the intention of bringing down the dignity and good name of the terminated employee.

This case has been reported to the Tangsel Police with No. TBL/B/2289/X/2023/SPKT/POLRES TANGERANG SELATAN/POLDA METRO JAYA dated October 16, 2023. And there has been an investigation and BAP of the complainant and several witnesses. The Reporter’s Attorney from the AAH Law Firm Office located at Kota Kasablanka Ofiice Tower Lt. 10 represented by Rahmat Nurtandio, SH MM.

According to Rahmat, ISS Indonesia has not answered our letter on the termination letter issued by PT ISS Indonesia, so we assume that there is bad intent in the termination process. So that our clients are sacrificed in such a way and this seems to have become a mode at ISS in dismissing its employees.

“Even in the layoff process, it is not in accordance with the procedure, without SP 1 to 3 and without suspension, but directly a letter of termination and only after the news in the media was changed to suspension,” he said when met by

In a separate place, Managing Partner of AAH Law Firm, N Hariadi BCM, SH said, “ISS should carry out a criminal legal process on the allegations in order to ensure legal certainty for its clients. Instead of finding fault by trapping employees with and without clarity. Even spreading layoff letters or layoff information to other internals so as to form assumptions or slander on our clients, ISS Indonesia is not a legal institution that can act as “Police, Prosecutors and Judges,” he said.

Managing Partner of AAH Law Firm, N Hariadi BCM, SH

PT ISS is Absent from the Summons of South Tangerang Police Station

Based on the information we have received, the South Tangerang Police are arranging a schedule to summon and examine officials of PT ISS Indonesia who are suspected of committing criminal acts in articles 310 and 311 of the Criminal Code.

“It is very unfortunate that PT ISS Indonesia took actions like this which are not in accordance with its values and vision and mission and as a PMA company from Denmark which should set an example of compliance with labor regulations and other laws,” continued Hariadi.

Still according to Hariadi, PT ISS has been summoned by the South Tangerang Police today (Wednesday, 11/22/2023 – ed) but they did not fulfill the summons,

The South Tangerang Police will make the 2nd and 3rd summons to the first person from ISS.*** (Pihfend)


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